Strategic Research Agenda on bio-based economy in EU and India
  • Author:
    Kees Kwant, Rebecca van Leeuwen, Ludo Diels, et al.
  • Abstract:

    Our fast growing and developing world is facing problems such as environmental deterioration, biodiversity decrease, climate change and scarcity of resources (including energy and water). It is clear that we have to move from a linear economy towards a circular economy and that by relying solely on renewable resources we will not be able to tackle the afore mentioned problems. Renewable resources are resources that can be re-used without harm to the environment, without reduction in quality and without downward cycling. Even keeping the value of the resources as high as possible will become the big challenge. 

    In the broad scope of clean technology and renewable energy the bio-economy can be a big support as it is a perfect example of a circular economy. It brings CO2 into a circular approach with no increase, nor decrease. Only smart approaches will lead to a CO2 decrease balance and this will be the ultimate goal of the collaboration. Europe and India believe that they can both partly rely on this bio-economy although they have different skills and challenges, making the collaboration needs even stronger. The first target therefore will be to set up a real bio-economy system adapted to the first needs and challenges. 

    It is proposed to look to the bio-economy from three points of view being the biomass production, the biomass processing or bio-refinery and finally by looking to markets, society and legislation. 

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    Report / Case Study
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