Power generation from sugarcane biomass–A complementary option to hydroelectricity in Nepal and Brazil
  • Author:
    Dilip Khatiwada, Joaquim Seabra, Semida Silveira, and Arnaldo Walter
  • Abstract:

    This paper discusses the complementarity between hydroelectricity and surplus electricity from sugarcane biomass-based cogeneration plants in sugarcane mills. The paper investigates opportunities and barriers in the context of governments' initiatives, institutions and prevailing regulatory frameworks in Brazil and Nepal.

    The paper finds that bioelectricity from cogeneration can be a good complementary option for hydroelectric power, helping foster diversification on the generation side and enhance security of electricity supply based on local resources. Bioelectricity potential from sugarcane biomass is estimated to be in the range of 209–313 GWh for Nepal and 62–93 TWh for Brazil.

    In Nepal, the grid connected bioelectricity can provide power for operating industries, and support local development through rural electrification. In Brazil, the biomass potential can be further enhanced through a better utilization of the biomass in the sugar-ethanol industry to balance hydropower availability.

    This comparative study offers a reflection on the need for better planning and policies to address the barriers which are hindering the development of bioelectricity even in places where the potential is large.

  • Journal:
  • Publisher:
  • Volume (Issue):
    48 - 1
  • Sector:
    Biomass and Biowaste    Bioenergy and Biofuel   
  • Publication Type:
    Review Article
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