Bioelectrofuel Synthesis by Nanoenzymes: Novel Alternatives to Conventional Enzymes
  • Author:
    Lakhveer Singh, Supriyanka Rana, Sveta Thakur, Deepak Pant
  • Abstract:

    Recent bioinspired efforts of designing novel nanoenzyme-based electrocatalysts are driven by the urgency of making bioelectrofuels more affordable and efficient. Unlike natural enzymes, nanoenzyme-modified electrodes with large surface areas enclose numerous biomimicking active sites to facilitate enhanced microbial growth followed by increased reactant-to-bioelectrofuel conversion.

  • Journal:
    Trends in Biotechnology
  • Publisher:
    Elsevier/Cell Press
  • Volume (Issue):
    38 ( 5 )
  • Page:
  • Sector:
    Bioenergy and Biofuel   
  • Publication Type:
    Review Article
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